Issue Position: Protect Choice in our Commonwealth

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2019
Issues: Reproduction

The REPEAL Act, also known as the REPro Equal Access Law, would repeal unnecessary and burdensome regulations that create barriers to access and afford a safe abortion in our Commonwealth. Passing this act would repeal the 24-hour waiting period, TRAP statutes, ultrasound requirements, and other onerous and nonessential requirements. Abortion access should not be determined by zip code or economic state.

Reproductive Freedom Act
Our reproductive freedoms are under attack every day in the courtoom and on the federal level. If Roe v Wade is overturned, abortion rights are left unprotected by current Virginia law. It is essential for Virginians to maintain their reproductive rights. Virginians are fully capable of making thoughtful and deeply personal decisions about their healthcare without the interference from the government, and this act would ensure that.

Reproductive Health Equity Act
Virginians deserve access to all reproductive healthcare services-- no matter what their economic status, citizenship status, or identity. The Reproductive Health Equity Act ensures that every Virginian family has the opportunity to thrive without unnecessary barriers or interference.
